Hey Disney! A magical voice assistant for Alexa
Hey Disney! A magical voice assistant for Alexa
by Disney Electronic Content, Inc.
”Alexa, introduce me to Hey Disney!”
”Hey Disney! Start the magic.”
”Hey Disney! What can you do?”
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Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. This subscription automatically renews at $5.99 per year plus applicable tax. We will charge your 1-Click credit card or another available payment method on file. You may cancel any time by visiting Your Membership and Subscriptions. By placing your order, you agree to the Alexa Terms of Use.
With the Hey Disney! voice assistant, you can experience stories, play games, and enjoy everyday features like weather, timers, and more. The Magical Companion, the voice of Hey Disney!, selects Disney characters like Mickey Mouse, Rocket and Groot, Dory, and C-3PO so you'll always be surprised with different characters! Say, "Alexa, introduce me to Hey Disney!" to get started. You'll love the collection of entertaining Disney content including Storybooks, Soundscapes, Disney Trivia, character messages, and Play-Along Adventures. You can also check the weather, set alarms, and ask to hear jokes. "Hey Disney! Tell me a story." - Explore 140 tales of far-off places with Storybooks. Choose from favorite stories like The Lion King, Frozen, Moana, and many more. "Hey Disney! Let's play Trivia." - Test your knowledge with over 300 questions about Disney parks, characters, movies, and history in exciting rounds hosted by the Hey Disney! voice assistant. "Hey Disney! Play Soundscapes." - Transform your room with sounds and music from the worlds of Star Wars, Frozen, Guardians of the Galaxy, Coco, and many more. Hey Disney! can do a lot, like play a soundscape and tell a joke. For everything else, you can ask Alexa. For example, you can ask Alexa to answer questions, play music, watch a video, and add things to a shopping list. Frequently Asked Questions: How does Hey Disney! work and how do I get it on my Echo device? Hey Disney! will be available in the U.S. to purchase as an annual subscription in the Alexa Skills Store for use on supported Echo devices at home. Additionally, Hey Disney! will be included as part of a subscription to Amazon Kids+. To set-up Hey Disney! you can simply say, "Alexa, introduce me to Hey Disney." Once the purchase is made and the experience is enabled, you can say "Hey Disney, start the magic" for an introduction on how the Disney Magical Companion works alongside Alexa. What devices support Hey Disney!? Hey Disney! works with most voice-activated Echo devices in your home, except 1st gen Echo, On-the-Go devices, Echo Frames, Fire TV, and Fire Tablets. Echo Show 15 now supports Hey Disney!, but touch is not supported for Trivia and Play-Along Adventures. What is the 'Disney Magical Companion' and how many characters does Hey Disney! feature? Just as customers know and are familiar with the voice of Alexa, Hey Disney! has its own voice and personality that Disney terms the Disney Magical Companion. It's tailored to Disney's personality and customer needs. As the overarching voice of Hey Disney! experience, the Disney Magical Companion acts as the party host, and depending on the request, will accompany you on an experience with over 20 characters across Disney, Pixar, Star Wars, and other beloved franchises to make responses magical and fun. Why can't I pick which character I want? Depending on the request, the response will either feature the overarching voice of the Disney Magical Companion or will pull from one of over 20 iconic Disney’s characters from across Disney, Pixar, Star Wars, and other beloved franchises to make the responses magical and fun. However, customers cannot choose the voice of a specific character to replace the overarching voice of the Disney Magical Companion. Do I need to remember specific questions or phrases for Hey Disney! to work? Customers can simply say the "Hey Disney!" wake word to ask for something they want, such as the weather forecast. Customers can also ask, "Hey Disney, what can you do" at any time to get recommendations on what experiences to try. Copyright ©2018 Disney Copyright ©2018 Disney/Pixar Children’s Privacy Policy - https://privacy.thewaltdisneycompany.com/en/for-parents/childrens-online-privacy-policy/ California Privacy Rights - https://privacy.thewaltdisneycompany.com/en/current-privacy-policy/your-california-privacy-rights/ Do Not Sell My Information - https://privacy.thewaltdisneycompany.com/en/dnsmi/
Play-Along Adventures
Timers nemo
Explore Disney worlds
"Hey Disney! I want to go on an adventure."

Take playtime up a notch with characters like Mickey Mouse, Tiana, C-3PO, Rocket and Groot, Olaf, and Miss Piggy.

Fun for the family
"Hey Disney! Play a Soundscape."

Bring more magic to your family gatherings. Transform the room with Soundscapes, play Disney Trivia, or listen to Storybooks.

Everyday magic
"Hey Disney! Set a 30-minute timer."

Add a splash of pixie dust to your day with Disney alarms, timers, weather reports, and more.

Skill Details
Supported Languages
English (US)